We strive to provide customized services that meet with the unique needs of the children and families we serve. If a particular service you are interested in is not listed, let’s review and work together to see if we can customize a plan for you with the resources we have available.
Compassionate & Experienced Staff
Child’s Best Interest & Well Being Always Put First
Services Customized to the Needs of Each Family’s Unique Situation
A Guardian Ad Litem is a person appointed by the Courts to protect the best interests of a minor child or children when their parents are engrossed in conflict and may not be able to agree on what’s best for them.
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Also known as monitored visitation, child access, and supervised access, refers to contact between a non-residential parent and child(ren) in the presence of an unbiased third party responsible for observing the visit and ensuring the safety of those involved.
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These services are for families that are experiencing a change or transition in their child custody and/or time-sharing arrangements.
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Visitation Management Services, LLC is constantly developing new services and creating new ways to help our families.
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